Chasing the Dream

I can remember a time when I was creating nonstop. I was choreographing dances, editing videos, crafting, designing artwork, and photographing everything that I saw. Being able to express myself through various creative mediums has brought me some of the most joy and happiness in my life.

One day though my world went dark. My passions were sucked into a black abyss. For nearly five years, I was blind to what truly made me happy. It took me becoming a workaholic, prioritizing everyone but myself, and dealing with unfathomable weights of stress and anxiety to finally snap and realize I couldn't live like that anymore. I needed to breath.

I feel like I am living life again and I don't want to waste a second being unhappy. I am chasing a dream to be a master creator. I am going to write, design, photograph, learn, dance, travel, make new friends, attend more concerts, and truly feel the world around me. I will be my own boss. Life is far too short and I don't want to take it for grated for one more second.