Weekend in Tucson

When I found out Migos was coming to Tucson, I quickly snatched up some tickets. Lately when attending concerts, it has been easier to just drive back home...especially since they have been on work nights. I got lucky with this gig. Migos was playing on a Saturday! Why not make a weekend out of it?

Spending my entire life going to Tucson and later living there for college, I have seen it constantly change. Lately I feel like there has been a lot of effort to revive this eclectic city and really show off its potential. I've really enjoyed seeing 4th Ave and Downtown transform.

Before the concert we decided to meander down there and see what we could find. We came across the Pop Cycle Shop. Everything in this store is recycled, reused, or refurbished. They focus on keeping it local, incorporating all things Arizona, local artists, and having an overall eclectic southwestern vibe. I could have bought everything in this shop, but ended up with this t-shirt. Perhaps a little crass, but I LOVE IT!

For supper we went to one of my favorite restaurants in Tucson, Reilly Craft Pizza & Drink. Their pizza is to die for. They have a great selection of beers, and I love the architecture and design. Personally my favorite pizza is the potato and garlic. Melt in your mouth delicious.


I wish I could say the Migos concert lived up to the hype but it totally didn't. A lot of variables came into play. The fact that I had a head cold probably didn't help. I tried my hardest to vibe but it just wasn't happening. Standing in line and waiting for three hours and then having a show last an hour max, not cool. I have never been to a concert at the TCC, and don't plan on attending another one there. The room was too huge for the small amount of people that were there and the acoustics sounded horrible. Maybe I am starting to get picky, but I want to see artists who you can tell love what they do, versus those who are just up there for the hype and glory. That show wasn't horrible, but my expectations were high and I ended up being disapointed. 

The morning after the show, I wanted to do a little more exploring downtown before heading home. We came across this cool looking coffee shop, Cartel Coffee Lab.  After getting my usual iced mocha, we probably sat in there for an hour enjoying the cool vibes. I fell in love with the rustic yet funky design and architecture. Sitting under the filament lighting, admiring the exposed brick, the wood and metal intertwined, and the tubs filled with succulents...I was in my happy place. If I lived in Tucson, I would be here all the time. 

It was a great weekend in Tucson discovering new gems. I left feeling inspired and relaxed. I need more weekends like that in my life.