Baby Update - Week 31


This week was a pretty low key week compared to the rest. I have been slowly checking things off my to do list at work and for baby. I’ve still got a ways to go, but it definitely helps to decrease the anxiety. After a long week and having to go to Tucson every Friday, I feel like I am totally worthless on Saturday, no matter how productive I want to be. Today we are having a friend from college come down and take some maternity photos. I haven’t had good photos taken since the wedding, so it’ll be nice to continue to document this new adventure. Yesterday we went up to the farm to scope out a few locations. Most of the cotton is super behind right now because of all the rain we’ve gotten recently, but we found a few good fields. I’m looking forward to our photos today, surviving work this week, and enjoying a fun filled weekend of family and friends.

Due Date: December 30

How Far Along?: 31 Weeks

Size of baby: Coconut

Symptoms: Hip and back pain continues. Restless legs have been out of control and beyond annoying. My whole lower body is feeling the pressure and dull aches of baby.

Total Weight Gain: 21 lbs

Exercise: Attempting…walking haha!

Sleep: Sleeping pretty good, but always feeling tired now.

Food Cravings: Honey Bunches of Oats

Best Moment This Week:  It seems as though every time baby girl moves and we try and catch it on camera, she stops. Apparently she is camera shy. I was able to catch her giving me a good kick. Soooo surreal!

Showing Yet?: There is no hiding this bump.

Movement:  She rolls around all day.

Labor Signs: Nope

Gender: Sassy little girl.

What I Miss: Fitting into my clothes. Not being in constant pain.

Mood: Chill and nesting/overwhelmed…it varies hour to hour lol.

What I Am Looking Forward To: Baby showers are this week!