Baby Update - Week 32 - Maternity Photos


This week I felt like I got a lot accomplished. I was surprised to find out the school had found my long term sub for second semester. This is something I have been stressing about and keeping me from finishing my plans for months now. Turns out they are bringing in a history teacher I taught with when I first started teaching. I know my kiddos will be in good hands now. The weight off of my shoulders is unreal.

Friday during a teacher in-service day the staff held a baby shower for me. So kind of them. The ladies involved with the planning did such a wonderful job with all of the thoughtful details. Baby G definitely received some special gifts that day.

On Saturday we had our coed baby shower/corn hole diaper party. So many friends and family showed up to make the day absolutely beautiful. My best friend really out did herself when planning this. From the amazing cupcakes she had catered in, the decorations she had, as well as the games, that girl went above and beyond and I couldn’t be more thankful for her. Baby G is super blessed with the gifts she received from our family and friends. We appreciate you all so much.

This past week we also got our maternity photos done by a college friend of mine. I decided last minute that I really needed to get photos done for this new adventure of ours. We hadn’t had professional photos taken since our wedding. Carmen did a phenomenal job with the photos. Her business name Hazel Lights Photography is so fitting for her as she captures the lighting so perfectly. Please take the time to check her out. And if you would like to see more of our photos scroll down to view the slideshow.

Due Date: December 30

How Far Along?: 32 Weeks

Size of baby: Squash

Symptoms: Hip and back pain continues. Restless legs have been out of control and beyond annoying. My whole lower body is feeling the pressure and dull aches of baby..i.e. nothing has changed.

Total Weight Gain: 22 lbs

Exercise: Attempting…walking haha!

Sleep: Back to sleeping a bit and getting up multiple times per night. Always feeling tired now.

Food Cravings: Honey Bunches of Oats

Best Moment This Week:  Friend and family showering Baby G with love at my showers.

Showing Yet?: There is no hiding this bump.

Movement:  She rolls around all day.

Labor Signs: Nope

Gender: Sassy little girl.

What I Miss: Sleep…sleep…and more sleep

Mood: Chill and nesting.

What I Am Looking Forward To: Organizing baby girls room now that we have all sorts of goodies for her.