Baby Update - Weeks 33 & 34

Week 33: This picture was taken after work on a Monday. It is blurry, but the best one we could get when its windy, freezing cold, and I am exhausted.

Week 33: This picture was taken after work on a Monday. It is blurry, but the best one we could get when its windy, freezing cold, and I am exhausted.

Week 34: It’s crazy how slimming black makes you look isn’t it? We had a couple mornings well below freezing. Our plants got fried. Look at the difference between the two weeks.

Week 34: It’s crazy how slimming black makes you look isn’t it? We had a couple mornings well below freezing. Our plants got fried. Look at the difference between the two weeks.

Oooops! I totally missed last week. I kept meaning to post, but I just wasn’t feeling up to it. Week 33 I felt super fatigued most days, so much so that I even took a sick day because I knew I couldn’t suffer through the day like I typically would. We are almost done getting all of the baby gear that we need…or think we need. We just need to finalize the furniture in the nursery now and get the hospital bags together. I am thrilled it’s only a two day work week this week. I hope to get my substitute plans finalized, enjoy some family time, and just relax. I can’t believe in 6 weeks or less we will be meeting our baby girl. I guess it’s time to start finalizing her name huh?!

Due Date: December 30

How Far Along?: 34 Weeks

Size of baby: Cantaloupe

Symptoms: Swelling…i.e. sausage toes and cankles. Overall having a hard time moving. Heartburn (in the middle of the night nonetheless…wth?). Not ready to give her, her eviction notice yet, but getting damn close.

Total Weight Gain: 26 lbs

Exercise: Attempting…walking haha!

Sleep: Insomnia and exhaustion are kicking my butt.

Food Cravings: Honey Bunches of Oats…let’s be real, I want all the carbs all the time.

Best Moment This Week:  We got to see another ultrasound of baby girl and everything is looking stellar. So far she is weighing roughly 5lbs 6oz. Holy moly slow down girl!

Showing Yet?: Large and in charge.

Movement:  Not only is she rolling around off and on all day, but recently she has been stretching out and I’ve been able to feel her feet protruding on the outside. Girl is getting cramped.

Labor Signs: Nope

Gender: Sassy little girl.

What I Miss: Being able to move regularly and being able to accomplish simple tasks without being in pain.

Mood: Chill and nesting.

What I Am Looking Forward To: This week we are going to do the hospital tour to put our minds at ease. We have also started to redo T’s changing table from when he was little. Can’t wait to see how it turns out.