Baby Update - Week 35


This past week I had five days off for the Thanksgiving holiday. I am so thankful I was able to spend time with family & friends, and actually relax. We still have a few things left to do on baby girl’s nursery, but I am not in much of a rush. I am almost done packing for the hospital…I think. I spent all day Friday finishing up my sub plans for next semester. I cannot begin to tell you how good it feels to have that done. My body is changing rapidly now. So quick I can barely keep up! Baby girl is showing me that she is on her way. I’m still amazed every day!

Due Date: December 30

How Far Along?: 35 Weeks

Size of baby: Honeydew Melon

Symptoms: Swelling…i.e. sausage toes and cankles. Overall having a hard time moving. Heartburn (in the middle of the night nonetheless…wth?). She has dropped since last week. My stomach looks so much larger and is super tight. I am super uncomfortable all the time now.

Total Weight Gain: 29 lbs

Exercise: Attempting…walking haha!

Sleep: Insomnia and exhaustion are kicking my butt.

Food Cravings: Honey Bunches of Oats…let’s be real, I want all the carbs all the time.

Best Moment This Week:  We went on a hospital tour at TMC. It was a very informative and interesting experience. I am glad that we did it.

Showing Yet?: Large and not so in charge anymore

Movement:  Rolling and punching in the little room she has.

Labor Signs: Nope

Gender: Sassy little girl.

What I Miss: Being comfortable.

Mood: Being uncomfortable is making me grouchy.

What I Am Looking Forward To: I have a full days worth of Dr. appts on Friday. At these appointments I will get to see how things are progressing for her delivery.