Baby Update - Week 36


Cold and exhausted on a Sunday night…that is how this picture turned out. With only four weeks left until due date…yes you heard that correctly…I might as well keep up with these bumpdates. This past week was pretty mellow. I’m trying to rest as much as possible and take it easy. Friday I had multiple appointments per usual. At the ultrasound baby girl looked good and the stress test went well. For my OB appointment, everything is moving right along. I can’t believe 9 months is here and we are on the home stretch. Surprisingly I am still at ease for the most part. If you know me, then you know that is not easy for me to do. This weekend we finally finished redoing her changing table. All we lack is some cute hardware to give it a little something extra. You better believe I am trying to narrow down some options from Anthropologie. Her room is nearly finished and the hospital bags are packed. Here is to another week of resting and waiting for Baby G to come.

Due Date: December 30

How Far Along?: 36 Weeks

Size of baby: Head of Romaine Lettuce

Symptoms: Hmmm where to begin. My legs and feet are entirely swollen by mid morning whether I am up walking around or not. Everything is tight, I can barely move. I’m exhausted and not sleeping. I’d say everything is par for the course at this time.

Total Weight Gain: 30 lbs

Exercise: Attempting…walking haha!

Sleep: Insomnia and exhaustion are kicking my butt.

Food Cravings: Honey Bunches of Oats, sweet potato fries…

Best Moment This Week:  Hubs doesn’t like me spending money of course, but we found some good deals and Gymboree and he picked out all her outfits. It was pretty dang cute.

Showing Yet?: Large and not so in charge anymore

Movement:  Rolling, rolling, rolling.

Labor Signs: Nope

Gender: Sassy little girl.

What I Miss: Being comfortable.

Mood: Chill, but starting to get impatient and over feeling this way.

What I Am Looking Forward To: I’m so ready to meet her.