Baby Update - Week 37


There isn’t a whole lot going on around here. I am just chilling as much as possible and waiting on this little girl to arrive. I had my weekly appointments on Friday. Everything is looking good with her. I am slowly progressing as I should be. For the rest of the weekend I tried to catch up on sleep…ha…and keep my feet up to avoid all the swelling. Her bedroom is all cleaned and organized. We are just waiting to get some decor and photos hung on the wall, and the handles for the changing table we redid. At this point I’m just ready for her to be here. #imdone

Due Date: December 30

How Far Along?: 37 Weeks

Size of baby: Winter Melon

Symptoms: Ultra pregnant, so what isn’t a symptom?! I’m feeling sore and the typical aches and pains you would have when a baby would be here in 3 weeks or less. Trying to move, roll over, etc is miserable and doesn’t feel too spiffy.

Total Weight Gain: 31 lbs

Exercise: Does the marathon it takes just to roll over count?

Sleep: Insomnia and exhaustion are kicking my butt.

Food Cravings: Honey Bunches of Oats, sweet potato fries…

Best Moment This Week:  Finishing everything up on the to do list. Now we just wait.

Showing Yet?: Large and not so in charge anymore

Movement:  Rolling, rolling, rolling.

Labor Signs: Nope

Gender: Sassy little girl.

What I Miss: Being comfortable. Sleep. You name it, I miss it.

Mood: Tired and ready to get the show on the road.

What I Am Looking Forward To: The day to come.

Sneak Peek of the progress so far in Baby G’s nursery.

Sneak Peek of the progress so far in Baby G’s nursery.