Baby Update - Week 38


The day has come, and I didn’t think I would ever get here. I am officially on maternity leave and gosh does it feel good. I was going to try and tough it out and stay until the end of school, which was only one more week, but I just couldn’t hang anymore. It became very evident I needed the rest. It was tough leaving because I had such a great group of students this year.

At my weekly ultrasound baby girl was being ultra hard headed. She kept her arm up over her face the entire time, and took forever to take a breath for the tech to see. We did get some visuals of her hair and fat rolls. She is looking good on the growth spectrum and weighing in at approximately 6lbs 13oz, 42 percentile. When it came time for the stress test, her stubbornness continued. Instead of laying there for 20-30 minutes, I had to lay there for an hour. At first she was trying to sleep and then she wouldn’t stop moving. The tech also mentioned I was contracting, but I couldn’t feel it. My OB also had nothing but good things to say. I have progressed a lot from last week, getting close to the big day. I think she is just super comfortable and going to just wait it out a little longer, whereas I am close to my limit. I’m beyond ready.

Due Date: December 30

How Far Along?: 38 Weeks

Size of baby: Cantaloupe

Symptoms: Heartburn. Swelling in my feet, hands, and face. Braxton Hicks have started.

Total Weight Gain: 31 lbs

Exercise: Does the marathon it takes just to roll over count?

Sleep: Insomnia and exhaustion are kicking my butt.

Food Cravings: Honey Bunches of Oats, sweet potato fries…

Best Moment This Week:  Seeing baby girls rolls.

Showing Yet?: Evvvvvvvverywhere.

Movement:  Rolling, rolling, rolling.

Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks

Gender: Sassy little girl.

What I Miss: Being comfortable. Sleep. You name it, I miss it.

Mood: Tired and ready to get the show on the road.

What I Am Looking Forward To: The day to come..still