Baby Update - Week 39


If you follow me on social media, then you know my little sweet pea arrived the morning after this picture was taken. I still want to remember what happened the week of, so here it goes…

After starting to feel quite uncomfortable and having everything taken care of at work, I went on maternity leave a week early. I spent the past week trying to relax as much as possible…patiently or not so patiently waiting for our little girl to arrive. On Thursday, I went up to the school to judge the talent show. I wasn’t my normal peppy alter ego, but it was still a good time and good to get out of the house for a few hours. Friday I had my typical day of doctors appointments. Baby girl was still looking good, but I hadn’t progressed anymore. I was pretty bummed to hear this. In case she didn’t come this next week, we scheduled an induction for her due date. Later that evening we went to Top Golf for T’s work party. I had plans to be a good sport and sit on the couch and enjoy. Competitive Lacey, I had to see if I could actually hit the ball with a big ol belly! Success…even though I hit the ball far too many times and was sore as all get out the next day. We will just call this “Operation Evict Baby G” lol. Sunday was a pretty busy day. I spent most of the morning out at the farm baking with my family…well I guess I was supervising because I was sitting in the chair watching since I felt mega pregnant. That evening I went to my Uncle’s house to enjoy the holidays. Again I wasn’t feeling horrible, but I was quite content just chilling on the couch watching football. Little did I know, two hours after getting home I would start having contractions!

Due Date: December 30

How Far Along?: 39 Weeks

Size of baby: Pumpkin

Symptoms: Heartburn. Swelling. Exhausted. Sore

Total Weight Gain: 34 lbs

Exercise: Rolling over haha

Sleep: Insomnia and exhaustion

Food Cravings: Honey Bunches of Oats, sweet potato fries…

Best Moment This Week:  Seeing baby girl is healthy and knowing we will be seeing her soon.

Showing Yet?: Hard to miss.

Movement:  Running out of room, but moving all the time.

Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks

Gender: Sassy little girl.

What I Miss: Everything

Mood: Tired and ready to get the show on the road.

What I Am Looking Forward To: The day to come..still