I Quit My Job

Becoming a mother is the most rewarding and life changing thing I have ever been through. I’ve sat here for over seven months trying to find the words to express how I feel, and share what I have experienced. The overwhelming love I feel for this little girl brings me to explain why I quit my job that I loved so much.

When I was in high school I can vividly remember saying I was never going to become a teacher. Kids were not my favorite at the time. Well, after two college major changes and a university transfer, long story short, I became a high school teacher. Once I started taking courses and eventually began student teaching, I fell into it naturally. Even through the tough times that come along with education, I absolutely loved it. Teaching and interacting with teenagers was my calling. But then things changed. A year shy of a decades worth of teaching and finally one baby later, I made the tough choice to quit. I was always going to go back in the fall. That was the plan. Having a baby wasn’t going to stop me from doing it all…until it did. When my contract came out, I couldn’t fathom being away from my little girl, all day every day. I knew that I couldn’t be a teacher 100% like I was used to and still be mom 100% as well. It was just too much and not fair to anyone. With a lot of crying and praying, I decided to turn down my contract and stay at home. Thankfully I am still coaching cheerleading when I can and I have a job at the farm to make all of this possible.

Being a SAHM/WAHM is no joke, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am still trying to figure out this new normal. All the changes I have experienced in the past 7 months of becoming a mom have been difficult, but I am optimistic that they are making me the best person I can be for this beautiful family of mine.

7 Months Old

7 Months Old