The Girl Behind the Name


Hey there! After many years of Calamity Lace being a blog that has now transformed into a creative art brand, I figured it was high time to reintroduce myself.

I’m Lacey, hence the name Calamity Lace. I am a former high school history and economics teacher. Something I loved dearly and still have a passion for, but knew needed to take a back seat for awhile. Now I take on the role of wife, mama, part time family farm employee, and part time cheerleading coach. I am truly blessed to be in the position I am, but know I need to have something for myself, even if it adds a little more to my plate. I have always been a creative person and knew that someday it would be a big part of my life. When I was teaching I told my kiddos that if I wasn’t a teacher I would have my own creative business. Never in a million years did I think it would happen so soon. Now, here I am making an eclectic array of art that is inspired by agriculture, the southwest, and all the other bits and bobbles of life that I love. I am so glad I can share it with you and even more thrilled that y’all have given me so much positive feedback. It really drives me to continue to get out of my little bubble.

With that being said, here is some more about me…

  • I am mama to Miss Q. She is a sweet, sassy, and energetic 22 month old who rocks my world in all of the ways. I am so thankful God gave me this little girl. She makes my heart swell, even when she is paying me back with her Texas size tantrums.

  • I grew up on a crop farm in southeastern Arizona. After spending many college summers as a part of the hay crew, I am so fortunate to be able to continue to help out on the admin side of things.

  • Even though teaching has taken a back seat for the time being, I have continued to coach high school cheerleading. I’m in my happy place when I can be choreographing dance routines with the girls. Just ask them about the squeals of joy I make when the moves just click.

  • I am not going to go down a music black hole right now, but I LOVE music. I am talking all genres, except most modern country which really grinds my gears. I have been to dozens upon dozens of concerts at small venues. Covid is really cramping my style by not having live music.

  • I am slowly becoming a craft beer snob. I’d rather sip on a sour or wheat beer over a Coors Light any day. I love how the craft brew scene in southern Arizona is starting to flourish.

  • I am an Enneagram 8. Seriously look it up, and if you already know me, you’ll agree. Even though I can be blunt, hard, and all about fairness on the outside, I am way softer on the inside. I open up to those I trust.

  • I am addicted to chocolate. I stress eat WAAAAY too much of it.

  • I thrive on routine and organization, and when those aren’t in place I feel like I am spinning out of control. Welcome to motherhood huh? LOL

  • Although I love Arizona and cacti even more, I am a total fair skinned vampire. The sun hates me and I hate the sun. We have a mutual understanding to stay out of each other’s way.

That pretty much sums me up. Shout out to those of you who have been helping to make my dream a reality. I hope you enjoy following along to see what I come up with next!