Baby Update - Week 28 - Hello 3rd Trimester


Hello third trimester! I can’t believe I am already at this point. The weeks are literally flying by with only three months to go.

This week was a long one as it was Homecoming week. I feel like it has been never ending. My sophomores who put in so much work on their banner, won the contest! Super stoked for them.

I am getting sick of going to Tucson every Friday for my 1-3 appointments. Par for the course at this point, but by Friday I just want to relax for a bit. This week at my OB appointment I took my glucose test. I wasn’t sure what to expect because if have heard so many bad things about it. When they came in to give it to me they told me I was going to have to drink it in 5 minutes or less…what?! My SIL said it tastes like a sugary orange Gatorade, and she was right! I thought it was delicious and got it down in less than a minute. I’m hoping the results come back negative this next week and I don’t have to worry about gestational diabetes or taking the three hour test.

Other than that, my doctor said everything is looking great with baby girl. This coming week I have to get through parent/teacher conferences, and then I feel like I will truly be able to relax more.

Due Date: December 30

How Far Along?: 28 Weeks

Size of baby: Eggplant

Symptoms: Back pain, exhaustion, starting to get frequent heartburn. Baby girl has discovered where my bladder is this week and has been dancing on it. Definitely not enjoying that feeling.

Total Weight Gain: 19 lbs

Exercise: Attempting 30 mins of cardio on my stationary bike and PT exercises.

Sleep: Very inconsistent, it depends on the night. I sleep when I can.

Food Cravings: Smoothies still. Working on more iron rich meals.

Best Moment This Week:  The excitement is here. Her movements are more pronounced and I love that right now. I am in full on nesting mode. Working on clearing out her bedroom this weekend and getting a list together for hospital bag. Trying SUPER hard not to over pack..hahaha!

Showing Yet?: I’m so front heavy now. You can see in last weeks pics versus this weeks pics, the bump is outta control.

Movement:  Kicks have been obvious for awhile, but her moving positions is even more pronounced.

Labor Signs: Nope

Gender: Sassy little girl.

What I Miss: Not gonna lie, a glass of wine or a beer. I have serious FOMO.

Mood: Chill and nesting.

What I Am Looking Forward To: Baby shower is less that a month away! Looking forward to getting together with everyone.