Baby Update - Week 27


This week was a long week with it being the week before homecoming. Students were in and out of my classroom before, during, and after school to not only take care of regular academic things, but also working on decorating our door and getting their class banner painted for the coming week. Thursday absolutely sucked the life out of me, and then Friday I had to head up to Tucson for my PT appointment. Needless to say Saturday morning I was feeling absolutely spent. I still managed to get my butt up and head out to the farm for a little bit to see my niece and what was going on with harvest. Don’t let these pictures fool you. It was a scorching 90 degrees outside still and that absolutely did me in. I can’t wait to get through the next week of chaos and finally be able to relax and prepare more for little miss.

Due Date: December 30

How Far Along?: 27 Weeks

Size of baby: Cucumber

Symptoms: Back pain still. Legs are cramping more.

Total Weight Gain: 19 lbs

Exercise: Attempting 30 mins of cardio on my stationary bike and PT exercises.

Sleep: Very inconsistent, it depends on the night. I sleep when I can.

Food Cravings: Smoothies! Finally something healthy lol.

Best Moment This Week:  We are down to double digits! Holy moly time is flying and I’m really feeling excited now. I also finally broke down and bought some maternity tees. Baby is enjoying the room!

Showing Yet?: My short torso is moving out weekly.

Movement:  She is moving and kicking so much now.

Labor Signs: Nope

Gender: Sassy little girl.

What I Miss: Not feeling exhausted all the dang time. One long day wipes me out for a few days.

Mood: Chill, but stressed with work.

What I Am Looking Forward To: Getting my glucose test out of the way this week.