Baby Update - 26 Weeks


This picture was taken on my 32nd birthday, while celebrating 26 weeks of pregnancy. Never in a million years would I have imagined that I would be having my first child at 32. In pure Lacey fashion I assumed I was going to have my kids in my late 20s and be done. I was pretty frustrated when it wasn’t happening. Now that life has transpired the way it has, I am content with where I am. I am healthy, happy, and confident. God sure does have an interesting way about making things happen when they are supposed to.

Due Date: December 30

How Far Along?: 26 Weeks

Size of baby: Eggplant

Symptoms: Overall back pain. Feeling super large and in charge. I still have so far to go.

Total Weight Gain: 18 lbs

Exercise: Attempting 30 mins of cardio on my stationary bike and PT exercises.

Sleep: Very inconsistent. Unisom is magical, but it does leave me waking up groggy.

Food Cravings: Tater tots still.

Best Moment This Week:  We had an ultrasound appointment and I anticipated it would be quick and we would only get to see her in the regular black and white. The tech ended up switching to 4D! We got to see so much more of her and what she looks like. We even got videos of her to take home. Aside from random pregnancy hormones it was one of the few times I have teared up over the whole miracle of pregnancy.

Showing Yet?: Bubble, Bubble, Bubble Bump

Movement:  Kicks are getting stronger and movement is spanning my entire stomach at the same time.

Labor Signs: Nope

Gender: Sassy little girl.

What I Miss: Not feeling huge

Mood: Pretty chill mood, pregnancy brain is getting real…same as last week.

What I Am Looking Forward To: Starting to clean out the guest room to make room for her.