Baby Update - 25 Weeks

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Today we are kicking off Week 25…15 weeks to go! Every time I blink it’s the next week. I’m in a constant state of disbelief.

Before getting pregnant my immune system was crap, thanks to Mono. Throw me into a work environment that is a breeding ground for illness…it was only a matter of time before I got sick. Lysol, hand sanitizer, and washing my hands constantly was not enough. This week I got infected with the plague aka a head cold. Holy moly being sick while pregnant is a whole new ball game. Being limited on what I could take to soothe the misery sucked. Did I take off work to rest…nope, because I am too much of a control freak. I was super close though if that counts.

Another thing on my mind this week is weight gain. Now hear me out. I know I am supposed to be healthy and by this point I will be gaining weight more frequently, but the fact that it is now coming on so quick is driving me nuts. When I lost 20 lbs a few years ago, I never thought I would see that again. Once the weight was off, I didn’t eat perfect, but for sure made more of an effort to consume more balanced meals. I was proud of my progress. When I got pregnant I was in the best physical shape of my life. I was about 7 lbs heavier than when I lost the initial weight because of the muscle I had gained. I absolutely loved my body and the strength I was gaining. I thought I was going to continue to be actively working out through the duration of my pregnancy, of course modifying what I did. With the initial fatigue, then the nonstop back and hip pain, let’s add work anxiety and stress…I’ve only worked out a handful of times. Those times I did “workout”, gosh I felt great. I miss that feeling. Now I am off the wagon. Trying to find the energy to even do a 30 minute workout and yet still take care of myself, I haven’t figured it out. I am not eating as well as I should and I know it. I am 7 lbs away from gaining 25 lbs, my goal, ff course knowing 25-30 lbs is a healthy amount to gain. I know everyone’s pregnancy is different. I am not necessarily stuck on the numbers, I am just seeing my body changing so fast now. My neck is starting to get puffier (the most obvious location for me when I am gaining weight). I am going to keep it real, I am super self conscious about that, plain and simple. Regardless, my baby girl is doing great, and I know that is what is most important.

Due Date: December 30

How Far Along?: 25 Weeks

Size of baby: Cauliflower

Symptoms: Severe hip and lower back pain. Heartburn is rearing it’s ugly head. Feet are starting to swell and make my shoes not fit.

Total Weight Gain: 18 lbs

Exercise: Does attempting to walk around my classroom or pushing my rolling chair count? haha

Sleep: Very inconsistent. Crashing out for a few hours when I get home from work. Wide awake in the middle of the night, and then up super early. Getting a pregnancy pillow this week has rocked my world and I wish I would have gotten one sooner.

Food Cravings: Tater tots…OMG gimme all the tots!

Best Moment This Week:  She is kicking and moving around a lot now. Seeing it from the outside is so cool.

Showing Yet?: Definitely have a bubble bump.

Movement:  My girl is definitely a cheerleader…haha.

Labor Signs: Nope

Gender: Sassy little girl.

What I Miss: Sleeping on my belly for sure.

Mood: Pretty chill mood, pregnancy brain is getting real.

What I Am Looking Forward To: We have a high risk ultra sound this coming Friday, so I am excited to see how baby girl is doing.