Indigo Days

This past weekend I attended an event called Indigo Days. Creative Tribe put on a weekend filled with panels, workshops, and shopping with local artists and creators. When I heard about this about a month ago, I knew I had to attend. I have attended some Creative Tribe workshops in the past and they were super fun, so a full weekend of creativity would surely not disappoint.

What I was most excited to attend were the panels. The panels had local bloggers talking abut blogging and social media. As I am getting back into blogging I have noticed just how different it is from when I first started. Obviously it is what I make of it, but people put so much into their blogs now. I want to do the same while still remaining authentic to me.


The first panel I attended was "Under the Influence of Social Media". Here is what I took away from it.

  • Be Real. Share the ups and downs.
  • Showcase and share what I love.
  • I personally don't want a curated account. I want as much authenticity and genuine connections and conversations as possible.
  • Quit being shy and share more pictures of myself.

The second panel I attended was "Blogging as a Creative Platform". Here is what I took away from it.

  • No matter what I am doing, the whole purpose of this blog is for me to express myself. I should write for me, but keep in mind who my audience is....which is pretty vast with all of my interests.
  • What are my goals? I'm glad I have this blog up and running again, but I need to do some mind-mapping to really hone in on what I want to accomplish here.
  • Always be genuine and have an authentic voice.
  • Share what I am passionate about and be consistent with that.
  • Again, people are interested in the person behind the blog brand, so I need to highlight my voice and myself.
  • Put myself out there more, which is the entire reason why I made my blog public in the first place.

Overall I thought this whole experience was super awesome to attend. I loved getting to see local creative's work and hear from the local bloggers. It is motivating and empowering to be part of a community that is finally starting to flourish in Arizona. I am looking forward to attending more Creative Tribe workshops in the near future and hope Indigo Days is here to stay.