We're Having a Baby!

The secret is now out! At 11 weeks we announced to the world that we are expecting baby number one. I am not sure who is more surprised, us or everyone else. Regardless, we are super stoked for this new adventure.

A few years ago we tried for nearly a year to have a baby. Baby obviously never came. I did everything as planned...college, career, marriage...this was the next thing on the list. At the time it was completely disheartening.  This was before I realized I was in a such a dark place in my life. Not getting pregnant only worsened the situation. My friends and family were getting pregnant left and right. Literally within a 6 week period numerous people announced their pregnancies. Whereas I was super happy for them, I was bummed that I couldn't join in with my own experience. I didn't realize it until later, but I think it was God's way of saying, Lace you just aren't ready. For the next two years we stopped trying. We worked on our marriage and I worked on myself, rediscovering Lace. I finally started to become content and happy with my life. Age doesn't really matter and whatever is supposed to happen will happen. Whether that means becoming a mom or not.

Very early on in the pregnancy. We are talking like two weeks after conception, something felt different and off with my body. I couldn't put my finger on it. It was super early in the morning when I decided to take a pregnancy test. Low and behold, it was a positive. Not a questionable line, a very obvious positive sign. I was utterly shocked. I then proceeded to take another pregnancy test. And then more every couple of days. It was real. I was feeling shocked, excited, emotional, scared, you name it I was experiencing it. It wasn't until 9 weeks when we got an ultrasound of the baby. A baby that was healthy and moving, that it really sank in, WE ARE HAVING A BABY!

The first trimester is almost up and I can thankfully say, morning sickness hasn't been an issue. Fatigue...FATIGUE on the other hand has been the worst. I have never felt so exhausted in my life. I'm constantly physically, emotionally, and mentally worn out. I am hoping that this fatigue with get the hell outta dodge in the next few weeks and I can feel like a productive and motivated human again. I am ready to have the energy to do simple every day tasks. What I am missing most is working out. I am surprised to say this, but over the past year it has really helped me feel wonderful in so many ways. Fit Pregnancy is definitely one of my goals, even if I'm not allowed to squat 175 lbs anymore *serious eye roll*. I haven't really had any aversions to food, although I am still eating chocolate, the obsession has definitely decreased, which is rather shocking to me. Salt is the one thing I have been craving like crazy. Salty, bad for you foods.  Number one on that list...cheeseburgers. I have ate more McDonald's in the past few months, than I have in the past 5 years. Horrible I know. Another reason why I need to get to working out again.

Well, that is the past 11 weeks in a nutshell. I'm excited for this journey and where it's going to take us.
